Brussels weekender party report

Not only did I have my first ever gigs in Brussels, including one for the Québec national holiday (featuring a visit from the Québec Prime Minister Jean Charest), I also had the pleasure of joining in a BBQ with a bunch of charming people and later on, with amateur and professional DJs who spun some seriously funky grooves.

A huge thanks to DJ ReeDoo who I will be bringing to Amsterdam soon enough and to his lovely crew.


2 Responses to “Brussels weekender party report”

  1. Mimi la twisteuse says:

    Félicitations pour tous ces succès! Toutes tes soirées ont l’air incroyables!


  2. Administrator says:

    Tu es gentille ! Dis-moi si jamais tu viens à Amsterdam, moi je compte venir au Québec à la fin d’Octobre.
