Month: June 2010

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Surpat’ No. 4 in Paris – party report

Juan et Guillaume

The Surpat’ No. 4 at the Bizz’art in Paris last Saturday, 4 June with the theme ‘Rio’ was a huge success! And it was so hot indoors, having had 29 degrees during the day. Shown here are Juan and Guillaume, two wild and crazy guys who spun some fierce vinyl together with me and party leader Adrien.

I played quite a bit myself and had records the others didn’t, all while keeping it a strictly French affair, minus one kicking Italian yéyé number. Sadly, I didn’t stay until the end because I had an early bus to catch back to Amsterdam. I didn’t want to leave!

It was the first time I DJed in Paris, although two days before I joined the very nice folks at the small bar Le Gast for a funky Afrobeat set. A big thanks to my Dutch friends who spontaneously showed up, too.

Tons more Surpat’ No. 4 pics here.

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